Brief Introduction to WordPress

Hosting Solutions
5 min readMar 5, 2022


We all know that WordPress is a web software that is used by most of the people to create website or blog. It has many features that simplifies user work and help them in managing their website by using plugins or themes.

Today, in this article I will share a brief introduction about WordPress and explain some procedures to use WordPress website via cPanel. Many of the hosting providers like Namecheap, Bluehost etc provide special type of hosting services, i.e, WordPress Hosting to manage only WordPress website. While service provider like REDSERVERHOST provide One-click Installer with which user can install WordPress with one click and other web software to manage website.

Now, here is a brief explanation about the procedures to start and manage WordPress website via cPanel.

  1. Install WordPress

We will first learn how to install WordPress on the domain. You can follow this procedure if you are using hosting services other than WordPress hosting. You can install WordPress in any of the two ways either from cPanel or manually by downloading the file. Here, I am explaining the procedure with which you can install WordPress from cPanel.

a. Login to cPanel account and get inside Softaculous Apps Installer.

b. You will be directed to home page of Softaculous and select WordPress.

c. Click over Install Now. You will be directed to next page, where you need to fill the credentials as directed in the below image.

d. Now, enter the email where you want to receive notification and then click over Install.

You will receive notification of successful installation. You can manually install WordPress as well.

2. Get WordPress Admin Username and Password

While installing WordPress, you will get a default username and password with which you can login to your WordPress admin panel. This need t be changed either at the time of installation or later for security of the website. You can change this username and password via cPanel. Follow the below mentioned steps to get WordPress username and password.

a. Select phpMyAdmin from cPanel feature list.

b. On the next page, select the database associated to your WordPress website from the left panel list.

*You can check the WordPress database name from wp-config.php file inside File Manager.

c. List of tables will appear. Click over wpusers and proceed.

d. Edit the user appeared on the right side of the page.

e. Enter the username and password in the sections user_login and user_pass respectively and then GO.

You have successfully get your WordPress login username and password to access the dashboard.

3. Login to WordPress Admin Dashboard

Now, login to WordPress dashboard to manage and improve the website. You will use same username and password which you have changed inside phpMyAdmin. To get to the WordPress login page, you need to follow the same path which has been updated at the time of installation. Follow the below mentioned steps to login to your WordPress dashboard.

a. Go to WordPress Login page and enter the username and password and Log In.

b. You have been successfully login to your WordPress dashboard. Here, you will find list of features in the left panel list that can be used to manage the website.

Let us know about these features in brief.

#1. Posts: In this section, you will get list of all your posts. New post with tags and categories can be added as well .

#2. Media: In this section, library of all your media is available and can be attach or detach as well.

#3. Pages: This section allows user to add and remove pages in the WordPress website. Modification in the pages can be done as well.

#4. Appearance: This section helps you to improve website presentation by using Themes, Customize tool to add images etc to the post and many more.You can add Widgets and Menus as well.

#5. Plugins: In this section, you can Install Plugins to your website and check list of all. You can activate, deactivate, update or delete the plugins in this section.

#6. Users: List of all the users will be available in this section. You can add or remove any user or can also change role of any or all users in this section.

#7. Tools: This section allows user to import or export the website data and check site health. The installed plugin will appear in this section

#8. Settings: This section includes multiple settings such as manage website URL , admin email, site title and many more.

These are the features in WordPress that help you to manage your website presentation. We will discuss more about it.

Happy Reading !!

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