Basic SSH Commands

Hosting Solutions
3 min readFeb 11, 2022

We use web hosting services to create an online identity of the website in which there are various features to manage the website data and related files or directories. Today we are going to discuss about a feature that Hosting Service Providers provide users to manage website files or directories securely at remote server. This is SSH. SSH is used to establish a secure connection with the remote server. Many of the hosting service provider like REDSERVERHOST provide their user with SSH enabled feature in their hosting plans.

SSH allows user to securely connect to the remote server with SSH Client. PuTTy is one of the famous, free and an open-source SSH Client. You can learn more about SSH, PuTTy which is known as a secure connection to remote server.

PuTTy perform various task related to website files or directories present at the remote server. It works on command that means to perform any task, there is a specified command that is used to access files or directories of remote server. In this article I will discuss some of the basic SSH Commands.

SSH Commands

Some of the basic SSH Commands are listed below with brief explanation.

  1. pwd command: This command is used to know about the directory in which you are working.
  2. cd command: This is used to get inside the directory where you want to work, as cd public_html
  3. ls command: Command used to check the list of files present inside a particular directory.
  4. find command: This is used to look for a particular file inside a directory, as find filename.
  5. mkdir command: You can use this command to create a new folder/directory, as mkdir directoryname
  6. touch command: This command is used to create a new file inside a particular directory, as touch filename.
  7. cat command: This command is used to view the contents of a particular file as cat filename.
  8. grep command: With this command you can find a particular keyword inside a particular directory, as grep ”keyword” filename.
  9. du -sh command: You can use this command to view the size of files or folders inside a particular directory.
  10. mv command: This command is used to move a file from one directory to another, as mv source destination.
  11. wget command: This is used to download a file from internet, as wget linkofthefile.
  12. cp command: This command is used to copy files or directories.
  13. rm command: This is used to remove a particular file, as rm filename.
  14. tar -czf command: This command is used to create tar.gz file.
  15. tar xvf command: This command is used to extract tar.gz file.
  16. zip command: This is used to zip files or directories.
  17. unzip command: This command is used to unzip an archive file.
  18. history command: With this command you can check the last used commands.

There are more commands that are used to access files or directories at remote server via SSH but I’ve shared the basic commands that are used more frequently. Hope this may help you to get the answer to your related query. We will share more articles related to web hosting and cPanel. Till then,

Happy Reading!!

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